Fun is good for you! The enjoyment of life affects your health in a positive way. It’s a fact! Your attitude, feelings, and emotions can have a positive or negative effect on your health. You can improve your health in many ways, and we are going to talk about a few. We are going to …
When people are told that they need to communicate more they often think that that is an open invitation to talk but there is a complete difference between talking and communicating. Communicating is an art, and art of combining the ability to express your opinions and feelings in such a way as to ensure that …
During the dark years that followed my diving accident, I deviated from my wholesome eating habits. This deviation was partly due to my limited control over my diet, as I lived in a hospital or a group home. It was also due to my reduced health-consciousness. Largely disgusted with life, I was proportionally hedonistic and …
What is Wu long Tea? The Wu long (also referred to as oolong) family of teas is characterized by a partial oxidation process that is controllable by varying degrees of heat. Wu long tea has the benefits and taste of both Green Tea and the fully oxidized Black Tea. Although a number of countries now …
There are hundreds and thousands of articles, books, media sources and materials available in the world that tell us how to stay healthy. How many of us have time to research, read and scour this multitude of information? Further, how do we trust all the information available out there? This article has done all the …
How to Stay Healthy? A simple and very effective solution how to introduce healthy food to your family If 10 years ago somebody would have told me that fruits are very healthy……. Healthy for everyday’s eating as an excellent source of vitamins…. And even necessary – eating fruits is A MUST as a natural medicine …
Stevia (STEE-vee-uh) is an outstanding, sweet tasting herb that has remarkable health promoting qualities. The sweetness of Stevia is largely due to its complex stevioside molecule that is composed of glucose, sophorose and steviol. A second compound called rebaudioside, which is present in Stevia, also contributes to Stevia’s sweetness. Stevia has a taste that is …
Around 7 million people in the UK are covered by health insurance, the majority being covered through their employers. The problem is that few have really studied their policy documents and many misunderstand what is covered. And perhaps just as important, what isn’t. If you expect health insurance to pay all your health costs, you’re …
Okay…so you’ve visited countless websites, received instant health insurance quotes and colorful benefit descriptions with enough small print to make you scream…WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN (and who writes this stuff)!!! Well we didn’t write it but after years of reading it, we have boiled down the various plans to 5 key elements…and if you …
50% of people, who travel, suffer a travel – related illness. All travelers should be well prepared for travel and be prepared to protect themselves from travel related illness. In this issue various aspects of travel related illness have been discussed with related protective measures. According to ayurveda traveling causes vitiation of vata dosha. Vata …